Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Assessment #3 - Artist #5

I've included Sébastien Preschoux as he is another artists who uses coloured thread in his works, but also because of how he uses sections of an environmental landscape that is in no ways geometric and creates seemingly natural and intricate spaces.
Thread Installations by Sébastien Preschoux sculpture nature installation color
What I mean by 'seemingly natural' is that it is as though he has used thread to construct what the eye can not always see. As though he has copied spider webs and used colour and thicker string to make the patterns more obvious. Or has revealed how light is fractured and how it bounces off objects.


The artists says that "Nowadays, the new generation disposes of images as a industrial rapidity and they are not asking themselves about where these things are coming from. Is it handmade or is it an electronic work? When they are faced with creating handmade work, they realize the labor and time it takes. The result is way more important than a printed work that is, easily reproduced. In my opinion, art makes sense if it is the result of the human hand."

Thread Installations by Sébastien Preschoux sculpture nature installation color

I really agree with his concept of the human hand having so much influence. Seeing something which would have taken hours, days or even years to complete by hand gives you a greater appreciation for it and also adds a deeper level of beauty.

Thread Installations by Sébastien Preschoux sculpture nature installation color
Thread Installations by Sébastien Preschoux sculpture nature installation color

 Thread Installations by Sébastien Preschoux sculpture nature installation color

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