Monday, 19 May 2014

Final Project - Artist #3
David Mach
The work by this artist is on a such a large scale, and so well done that it's partially unbelievable and inconceivable. His work revolves around the sentiment of multiples - using a large number of one object to create another object or piece.

He is especially known for his coat hanger and matchstick pieces, of which there seem to be an endless amount:

His work which most pertains to the work which I am undertaking for the final project is his use of collage and magazines. He uses posters and photomontage as part of his work:

Made form postcards:

His installation pieces use magazines and other papers to make settings for objects which he has collected. He makes wave like and organic shapes which he constructs using a technique which I cannot quite seem to figure out...

These magazines don't seem to be glued to one another, but stacked and flared out - which amazes me as he is placing heavy objects such as cars on what I would consider an unstable foundation.

There is a sort of humour in these images, as though the objects are either floating or drowning on a sea of consumption. I do feel that his work does thematically point to excess in modern life, as I would like mine to.

These pillars especially relate to my work as I will also be making a towering work. The difference is that mine will be focusing on an instability and precarious leaning, whereas this work is reliant and powerful because of the solidity, sturdiness and well structured pillars. It seems to suggest that consumerism and consumption make the pillars of our society.
I think that this is both economically and socially true, as the retail sector does drive economics in both our local and international market, and in terms of the social, females especially are driven into buying into trends continuously. In certain circles there is a fear of not being current or being 'last season'. The term FOMO (fear of missing out) circulates and consumers are encouraged to buy an excess of goods. These notions will hopefully be apparent in my work.

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