Friday, 30 May 2014

Kristina Lewis

This artists work isn't entirely relevant to my final project, but her handmade principles and captivating forms really appeal to me.

Cultivated Zipzippers, thread, chain, metal hardware, rubber, adhesive
88” x 6” x 1”

It Leaves a Shining Wake (at Johansson Projects, Oakland)
zippers, thread, cotton piping, black paint
size variable, approx. 7’ long

Her work is known for its use of unorthodox materials such as in some of the example where zippers are her primary material.

Her work which most interests me is her series called Tape Systems where she creates natural looking organisms from completely artificial products
Tape System No. 3 (at Johansson Projects, Oakland)
embossing tape, drinking straws, vinyl resin, acrylic dowels, adhesive
4.5’ x 3.5’ x 1.5”
Boundaryplastic boundary tape, plastic and vinyl tubing, cardboard, vinyl resin
11” x 6” x 3”

Cautionplastic tape, plastic and rubber tubing, cardboard, rubber, wood, paint, adhesive
10” x 12.5” x 2.5”
Nursemasking tape, stir straws, cardboard, wood, paint, vinyl resin, adhesive
24” x 15” x 2.5”

embossing tape, drinking straws, vinyl resin, acrylic dowels, adhesive
4.5’ x 3.5’ x 1.5”

The simplicity of her materials that result in intricate and delicate designs is really beautiful to me as you can sense the handmade and lengthy process that would have been involved.

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